American Indian Business

NCAIED Comes to Vegas for the 26th American Indian Business Trade Fair

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February 27th through March 1st will bring the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development to Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas for their 26th annual Reservation Economic Summit & American Indian Business Trade Fair.

The Reservation Economic Summit (RES) will draw attendees including American Indian entrepreneurs, Indian buyers and suppliers, tribal business development and economic decision makers, and government executives together in one place to negotiate contracts, attend business training seminars, and match American Indian suppliers with corporate executives with buying power.   The RES is the largest and oldest American Indian business conference in the country.

The RES Provides Three Days of Seminars and Trade Show Exhibits for American Indian BusinessAmerican Indian Business

The convention will include two days of 16, 90 minute seminars directed towards those wanting to learn more about business, focusing on American Indian entrepreneurs and enterprises.   The tradeshow will start on the third day, and will feature 350 tradeshow exhibits.   The tradeshow will allow American Indian suppliers to mingle with buyers from around the country, and build relationships and negotiate potential contacts.  The RES will also have an artisan market where artists can display and sell their handcrafted wares.

Goals of the NCAIED

The NCAIED is committed to promoting American Indian self-sufficiency through the improvement of economic development and promotion of commerce in the Indian country. Events like the RES help this cause by allowing American Indians and Indigenous business leaders to market themselves, learn about business techniques and regulations, and meet with government and corporate heads to create business partnerships and trade agreements.  Classes on business strategy will be conducted by the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University.

The convention will focus on 10 tracks, based on what previous attendees have expressed that they have interest in.  These include:

  1. Construction
  2. Economic Development & Small Business
  3. Energy
  4. Entertainment
  5. Finance & Investment
  6. International Trade
  7. Non-Profit/Government Policy/Indian-Business Law
  8. Special Interest
  9. Technology
  10. Travel and Tourism

The RES Keeps Improving Year After Year

This year’s convention is expected to bring upwards of 3,000 people to the Las Vegas area, and the goal is to create $1 billion worth of contracts within the areas listed above. It is a major event for all tribal, Indigenous and American Indian business leaders, entrepreneurs, and enterprises.

With the 16 seminars one can hear success stories from companies that have successfully implemented business strategy, learn about ways to successfully utilize energy saving techniques, and learn from governmental personnel new protocols for doing business with the government.  Each year the convention brings more people, and produces more business.  The NCAIED and RES expect this year will be no different and may prove to be the best yet.

Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane grew up not wearing a helmet, drinking from the hose and not wearing a seat belt. She managed to survive and now spends her time developing websites, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate.