Parking in Las Vegas—Keeping it Simple
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Have you tried to find parking in Las Vegas lately? The City of Las Vegas has made it a little confusing to put it mildly. It’s one reason that I make it a point to park in a Casino garage rather than on the street when I venture downtown. It is probably even more of a problem for Las Vegas tourists.
Mayor Carolyn Goodman Striving to make Parking in Las Vegas Easier
Our newly elected mayor has put making parking downtown a little simpler on her agenda. She’s working with Brandy Stanley, Parking Services Manager at City of Las Vegas. Together they will implement a plan that will make parking prices and rules more well-defined.
Take a guess. How many private and public parking spaces are there in the City of Las Vegas? Think about it and keep reading to find the answer.
Most of us have had the experience of returning to our car and finding a parking ticket stuck unceremoniously under our windshield wiper. After a little cursing and stamping of feet we usually succumb to the punishment and pay the fine.
Planning to Park
Parking takes planning—especially in Vegas. I don’t know about you but as I’m preparing for a journey downtown I just don’t usually think about chucking
some quarters into my already stuffed purse. Preparing to park is simply not on my list of things to do.
One of the solutions to this is to be able to pay the meter with a credit or debit card. Stanley would like to use a more modern technology on parking meters so this is possible.
Businesses will Benefit from Improved Parking
Many downtown business customers are confused about where to park and how much to pay. It has been a hindrance to business owners. Not only do they lose some potential customers but those that manage to park and enter their establishment quite often enter complaining about the parking.
The new and improved parking will be to the benefit of businesses, tourists, customers, and the many people coming downtown for meetings and to do business. Mayor Goodman will definitely help downtown if all the parking plans are carried out.
Now, let’s get back to how many parking places in the City of Las Vegas. There are approximately 32,000 parking spaces. Were you close?