5 Questions your Trade Show Signage Should Answer
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Your trade show signage should answer some common questions right away. Otherwise, these items will not be effective and your traffic and sales could be decreased as a result. One of the most important questions is who you are. Potential customers need to understand this so they will recognize your company, branding, and services.
Your exhibit graphics should clearly answer what your products or services are. It should be easy for attendees to see what you are offering them in terms of the available products sold or the services that you provide. The signs you use should also answer why consumers should choose your company, outlining the reasons you are the best choice for their needs.
One of the top questions that visitors to a trade show have are what benefits can your company offer them. Your displays should answer this question with short benefit descriptions in the message. Consumers want to know where to find you and an arrow may not be enough to let them know where you are, both on the show floor and in the physical and online world after the event is over.
Trade show exhibit booth by the Design Factory. Click here to see more design choices.
1. Does your Trade Show Signage tell who you Are?
When you design and order trade show signage consider whether these items tell visitors and targeted recipients who you are. A business image that is considered honest, and a reputation for being an expert in your industry, should be conveyed by the signs and displays that you use. A professional design and a short concise message that is strong can tell attendees who you are.
2. Do your Exhibit Graphics Show what your Products or Services Are ?
The ability of your exhibit graphics to show consumers the products or services that you can provide for them can help your signs tell visitors what you have available. Someone in the market for widgets will not be interested in staplers. When your trade show signage answers this question your leads generated will usually be a higher quality, with more conversions.
3. Why Should Consumers Choose your Company?
Your trade show signage and other displays should make it very clear to those attending the event why they should choose your company instead of your competition for the needs that they have. Do you have extensive knowledge or experience in the industry? Is your product revolutionary, utilizing the latest in technology or advanced electronics?
4. What Benefits can your Business Offer?
All of the trade show signage should cover the benefits that your business will offer to attendees at the show. Whether this is convenience, better management of finances or company records, or other benefits that consumers are looking for. If your signs and displays do not show the benefits you can give consumers then you could be missing out.
5. Where can Consumers find You?
One of the most important reasons for a lot of trade show signage is to let visitors know where to find you during the event. In addition to exhibit graphics and detailed company address details you can use arrows, written directions, and other details to help attendees locate your booth quickly and without any delays or hassles.
What other questions should trade show signage answer? Are there any tips for these displays that you can share?