5 Things You Need to Know About Trade Show Exhibit Staffing
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Your trade show exhibit staffing is one of the most important aspects of your booth. If you want to be successful at these events and get the visitors and the sales that you hope to reach your staff will play a crucial role. One of the biggest mistakes that many participants make is to hire fewer people than they actually need. Although this can initially be a money saver it can cost you significantly in the amount of future sales.
All of the convention tips offered show that you only have a few seconds in order to impress visitors at these events. If you fail in this goal then you will normally be passed by and ignored. One way to grab attention for your company is to have your staff take it to the aisles instead of just staying inside your exhibit.
You should always interview any potential staff carefully. Evaluate whether each individual has the right personality and experience to staff your booth. Make your expectations clear. Ensure that the people you choose to staff your area understand proper trade show floor etiquette in order to avoid turning visitors off or causing them to be uncomfortable.
1. Insufficient Trade Show Exhibit Staffing is a Huge Mistake
Insufficient trade show exhibit staffing is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make. This error could be very expensive in the long run. Everyone will need a break or two each day. If you do not have enough staff available this could mean an empty booth when visitors arrive. You could put up a “be back later” sign but few visitors will come back later just to get more information.
2. Convention Tips Show You have just three seconds to Impress
Looking at all of the convention tips will help you understand that you have a very limited time to grab the attention of the visitor and make a great impression. Your trade show exhibit staffing members need to be informed and professional, so that visitors can quickly get any answers they are looking for from someone who is knowledgeable.
3. Have Your Staff take it to the Aisles
Often trade show exhibit staffing means keeping your people inside your exhibit area and reserved space. But this could be costing you visitors. Have your employees take your message or products to the aisle to help attract people and draw the crowds to your display instead of your competitors. Find out before the trade show begins if you can be active in the aisles.
4. Interview Potential Staff Members Carefully
One of the most helpful convention tips that you can learn is the importance of interviewing any potential trade show exhibit staffing choices very carefully. These individuals will reflect your company, your brand and products, and yourself. It is important that they are professional and polite, and that they understand the benefits of your offerings.
5. Staff Should Never Sit or Eat on the Trade Show Floor
During the meeting before the event make sure that all of your trade show exhibit staffing members understand the etiquette that they are expected to follow. Convention tips show that visitors may hesitate to approach your staff or booth if individuals are sitting, eating, or otherwise engaged. Go over the rules so that everyone understands them clearly.
What else should vendors know about trade show exhibit staffing? What tips can you offer others to make this task easier and more effective?