InfoComm Show at Las Vegas Convention Center
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What has over 35,000 attendees from over 110 countries? If you are an AV person you just might know the answer. For you non-AV type people, we’ll let you in on one of the largest conferences that comes to the Las Vegas Convention Center. It’s the InfoComm show!
When and Where is the InfoComm Show?
The InfoComm show is in Las Vegas at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The conference begins on June 14th and ends June 20th. The exhibition is June 18, 19, and 20.
The InfoComm show is no newcomer to the audiovisual and information communications industries. InfoComm International was founded back in 1939 and today their membership is over 5,000. It includes programmers, multimedia professionals, distributors and dealers, manufacturers, and systems integrators.
Who is Exhibiting at the InfoComm Show?
The categories of exhibitors at the InfoComm show are so many we can’t list them all here. To give you an idea of the variety we’ve chosen 10 of the biggest categories:
- Audio Conferencing Equipment
- Computer Components and Storage
- Digital and Streaming Media Distribution Equipment
- Lighting Control Systems
- Projectors and Accessories
- Wireless Signal Processing
- Test and Measurement Equipment
- Network Equipment
- Control Panels and Interfaces
- Displays and monitors
Training and Conferences
If you are looking for training in the AV Industry, look no further than the InfoComm show. All new this year is Interactive Tuesday Sessions.
…everyone will gather for an exciting keynote to begin the day. Then, you dive into an interactive training…
Source: Infocommshow.org
They have extensive three day courses that include CTS prep courses.
- Essentials of AV Technology with Instructor James Conerton, MBA CTS-I
- How to be an APEx Company for Systems Integrators with Instructor Richard Derbyshire, CTS
- Lighting Design for Commercial Spaces with Instructor Jim Yorgey, PE, LC, CTS
- CTS Prep with Instruction Travis Lisk, CTS-1
Manufacturers’ Training
If you are in the AV industry, you need to know how to take advantage of all the things that products have to offer. The manufacturer’s training provides in depth instructions how to use certain technologies in particular applications.
The list of manufacturers presenting include some big names in the industry:
- Community Professional Loudspeakers
- Stampede Presentation Products
- Universal Remote Control
- Matrox Graphics, Inc
- Sennheiser Electronic Corp.
- BrightSign, LLC
Networking at the InfoComm Show
Networking opportunities abound at the InfoComm show. This is the largest AV show in the world. The decision makers and senior level executives in the industry recognize this event to be the foremost opportunity for networking, branding, leads, and introducing new products and technologies.