
3 Different Types of Journalists in a Changing World

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Journalism has grown and changed over the years. The role of a journalist differs by the medium and position, but the main goal is to provide information to the public. These professional writers may write about current events, review restaurants or events, or any type of interesting content.

Newspaper Journalists

A newspaper journalist can write about events on a local, national, or worldwide level. There is often a short deadline to meet publication deadlines and to be the first to publish important news. Some writers focus on fashion, travel, arts, financial, or business news.

News is reported in a straight-forward style and should include all pertinent facts. Facts must be crosschecked to make sure the news is authentic. Politics and cultural events should be unbiased and just report the information.

Magazine Journalists

Since magazines cover a multitude of topics like sports, celebrities, fitness, fashion, news, and home and garden, these journalists can focus on a topic that intrigues them and about which they have special knowledge.

JournalistsMagazine writers typically write in the voice of the specific type of magazine. They are geared towards particular demographics like age, education, etc. The content is often designed and edited with graphics and photos.

Web Journalists

With the decline of newspapers and magazines, web journalism has come to the forefront in a big way. These journalists write copy for many different types of online media. There are online newspapers, blogs, reviews, and magazines.

Web journalism often includes keyword research and meta data inserted into the website coding. Search engine optimization is one of the main differences in writing for the web compared to other types of journalism.

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Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane grew up not wearing a helmet, drinking from the hose and not wearing a seat belt. She managed to survive and now spends her time developing websites, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate.