Trade Show Booth

Do your Trade Show Booths Reflect your Company?

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Do your current trade show booths reflect the goals and objectives of your company? Or do these items follow a generic exhibit design that is frequently used by many others as well? Understanding what you hope to accomplish by attending a specific show or convention should be the first priority.

You need to know what the goals are before you start thinking about a specific design or exhibit choice; otherwise, it will be much harder to complete your company objectives in this area.

The right design is crucial with trade show booths so that you attract the targeted consumers to whom you are marketing your products or services. Some design styles will work better than others will for a specific company image or product.

The message that you send with your choices will reflect on your company. It can make you a reputable voice of authority or hurt your image and brand instead. Consistency is also important in the design scheme for a professional appearance.

What do you Hope to get from your Trade Show Booths?

Trade Show BoothsWhat is your goal with the trade show booths that you will be using? Do you hope to find new customers for your product or service? Or are you interested in generating leads for future mailings and offerings? Do you want to improve your brand image and company reputation? Do you need to recruit new associates or employees? All of these and many other goals can be achieved with the right trade show and exhibit choices.

Are you using the Right Exhibit Design?

The exhibit design and style of your trade show booths is critical. The right choice could make you a star of the convention or the most popular space in the trade show. The wrong choice could cost you in terms of visitors and marketing potential at the venue.

Make sure your exhibits are sized correctly and that you have enough display space. Decide which types of booths and stands will work best in the location that you are renting on the exhibit floor.

Are you attracting your Targeted Demographics?

Do your trade show booths appeal to the right consumers or are you drawing people in for the wrong reasons? Look at what you want your exhibit design to say about your company. Examine why potential clients should choose you and then make sure any display highlights these aspects.

You can include comment cards to invite feedback to find out what drew the visitors to your space in the first place and make any needed changes in the future.

Is your Message On Target or Less Than Perfect?

Your trade show booths should carry the company message that you are marketing. However, even the best exhibit design and most eye-catching graphics may be less effective without a message that is strong and appeals to targeted visitors.

Tell people what your company or product can do and what need or desire it can fill. This will help consumers quickly assess whether you are right for them. Make your message short while providing the essential information that consumers need.

When was the last time you purchased new or used trade show booths? What types and styles did you choose?

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Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane grew up not wearing a helmet, drinking from the hose and not wearing a seat belt. She managed to survive and now spends her time developing websites, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate.