Business and Relocating to Las Vegas Make a Lovely Marriage
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Many businesses that are struggling, complaining about the poor business environment of their particular state, or simply wanting to enter into a more business-conducive environment are considering relocating to Las Vegas.
It has many advantages for established and start-up businesses alike.
Las Vegas Relocation Is Business-Friendly
For one, the business-friendly Las Vegas reputation is firmly acknowledged. It was ranked second in that category among large American cities by fDi Magazine, a division of Financial Times Ltd. In 2009, Entrepreneur Magazine ranked it among the top-ten American cities for business start-ups.
It is also a burgeoning community, with a growing population in excess of 600,000, and is located in Clark County, which itself has a general population of
over two million.Nevada Incorporation Advantages
Other factors favoring relocating to Las Vegas are the benefits of incorporating in Nevada compared to most of the nation. Because of its gaming income, it has no corporate income tax, no franchise tax, modest annual fees and no corporate shares tax. It also has minimal reporting and disclosure duties and no IRS Information Sharing Agreement.
Furthermore, corporate directors, officers and shareholders need not be U.S. Citizens or live or hold meetings in Nevada. Nor do directors need to be shareholders. In fact, the shareholders are not even of public record.
It also has business-oriented laws concerning “piercing the corporate veil.” In the last 21 years, the veil has been “pierced” only once.
And Nevada has no personal income tax either. The “wealth” stays where it should.
Residential Las Vegas Relocation Concerns
Las Vegas family life is well accommodated. There will be upcoming cultural exposure through the 4.5 acre Smith Center for the Performing Arts, a multi-theatre complex with a main theatre seating capacity of 2,050. Besides local talent, it was also houses the Nevada Ballet Theatre and Las Vegas Philharmonic.
And competent schooling surrounds Las Vegas, as there are 349 public schools in the Clark County School District.
The Verdict Is In on Relocating to Las Vegas
Las Vegas relocation has never been under more favorable circumstances. In fact, relocating to Las Vegas is not a starry-eyed dream, but a very PRUDENT business decision, both personally and professionally.
If you are a business relocating to Las Vegas, drop us a line. Upon providing information, we may ask to feature your business on the Las Vegas International Press Club website.