6 Important Questions to Consider with Trade Show Promotional Items

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When it comes to trade show promotional items there are several questions to ask before deciding which of these to order and offer to visitors. Making sure that you have enough of each item is critical or you could end up with unhappy visitors. The right printing companies can help you get the desired results, while the wrong ones could cost you more and be ineffective at best.

Trade Show Promotional ItemsBusiness cards can be a great way to promote your trade show participation and keep your company up front in the mind of potential customers, but these need to be distinctive and professionally done. The variety of items that are offered will determine how many visitors you attract, and if the selection is very restricted or limited then you could see fewer people stop by your booth.

The budget that you set for items that will promote your company during the trade show can help decide just how successful you are. Another top question is what types of items to use. There are many categories and products that can be chosen and customized to display your company brand or message effectively.

1. Do You Have Enough Trade Show Promotional Items Available?

Having a sufficient number of trade show promotional items available is very important. If you fall short, not only will visitors be disappointed but this could also reflect on your professionalism and the ability of your company to handle orders and be fully prepared. When in doubt order extra rather than trying to minimize the items you have on hand.

2. Which Printing Companies should you Use?

Some of the best printing companies will offer advice and helpful tips about the right number and types of trade show promotional items. These companies will be competitively priced and have an excellent reputation and history, so that you get high quality and a timely delivery for a price that is reasonable in the industry.

3.  Are Your Business Cards Professional and Distinctive?

Although some may not view business cards as trade show promotional items these small rectangles can have a big impact when they are professionally created and distinctive enough to stand out among a sea of cards. Embossing, attractive graphics, high end or unusual inks, and thicker paper stocks can all turn your business cards into materials that promote your company and brand very effectively.

4.  Do You Have a Wide Variety of Promotional Items to Offer Visitors?

Look at the number of different trade show promotional items that you have, and decide if you have a sufficient variety of item types to meet a wide range of interests. Cups, key chains, pens, pads of paper, sticky notes, tote bags, and even product samples can be used to promote your company and attract visitors to your booth. These are proven items that help marketing your business.

5.  What Budget have you set for Items to Promote your Company?

If you want your trade show promotional items to be highly effective then you need to set up a realistic budget that can help you succeed. You do not have to empty the business bank account. However, you do need to set a budget that can give you the quality and the items that you want to promote your company at the events that you attend.

6.  Which types of Promotional Items Reflect your Brand and Business Image?

If you are not sure which items you should use to promote your brand then the printing companies that you use may be able to guide you in the right direction. If your company is known for upscale products then this should be reflected in the choice of items that you have, and the same is true if you offer value and a great deal for consumers.

For a comprehensive list of trade show promotional items click here.

What types of trade show promotional items have you used in the past? How did these make your booth stand out on the trade show floor?

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Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane grew up not wearing a helmet, drinking from the hose and not wearing a seat belt. She managed to survive and now spends her time developing websites, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate.