How to Unclog Hairspray Nozzle: Say Goodbye to Clogs and Hello to Flawless Hairstyling

By Elizabeth Crane | May 25, 2023
how to unclog hairspray nozzle

Learning how to unclog a hairspray nozzle is something many of us face, yet few actually know how to address it effectively. You’d be surprised…

How to Prepare for Carpet Cleaning: The Ultimate Preparation Checklist

By Elizabeth Crane | May 24, 2023
how to prepare for carpet cleaning

So, you’ve decided to spruce up your home and the big question on your mind is “how to prepare for carpet cleaning?” Don’t fret –…

How to Whiten Bras: Brightening Tips and Tricks for Whiter Lingerie

By Elizabeth Crane | May 23, 2023
how to whiten bras

Do you know the secret to how to whiten bras? It’s a bit of a laundry conundrum, isn’t it? Bras, especially the white ones, have…

How to Get Hydraulic Fluid Out of Clothes and Eliminate Its Odor

By Elizabeth Crane | May 21, 2023
how to get hydraulic fluid out of clothes

How to get hydraulic fluid out of clothes, you ask? Picture this: It’s a sunny afternoon, and our brave protagonist – let’s call him Joe…

Can You Put Silk in the Dryer? Unraveling the Truth About Silk Care

By Elizabeth Crane | May 17, 2023

“Can you put silk in the dryer?” Now, there’s a question that keeps fashionistas up at night! If you’ve ever been caught with a wet…

Messy Kitchen Pantry? Learn How to Declutter and Organize Like a Pro

By Elizabeth Crane | May 16, 2023
messy kitchen pantry

Is your messy kitchen pantry giving you a daily dose of frustration? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there – staring into the abyss of…

Teenage Bedroom Cleaning Checklist: Ultimate Guide to an Organized Space

By Elizabeth Crane | May 15, 2023
teenage bedroom cleaning checklist

As a mother of four grown kids, I know all too well the struggle of getting them to tidy up their rooms. That’s why I…

How to Get Purple Shampoo Stains Out of Shower: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

By Elizabeth Crane | May 14, 2023
how to get purple shampoo stains out of shower

If you’re wondering how to get purple shampoo stains out of shower, you’re not alone. Purple shampoo is a lifesaver for many people with blonde,…

How to Remove Mold from Car Exterior and Keep It Looking Fresh

By Elizabeth Crane | May 12, 2023
how to remove mold from car exterior

Struggling with how to remove mold from car exterior? You’re not alone! We’re here to help you tackle this pesky problem. Mold and mildew aren’t…

Dementia Distraction Techniques – How to Help People with Dementia

By Elizabeth Crane | May 9, 2023
dementia distraction

Distraction and redirection techniques effectively engage individuals with dementia in positive and stimulating activities or redirect their attention away from distressing thoughts or situations. Distraction…