5 Things You Should Know About the Business Imaging Expo
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There are some things that you should know about the Business Imaging Expo if you are in any profession or business that relates to office technology. If you are in a business or profession that relates to office technology then the Business Imaging Expo is a convention you should not miss. If you offer document printing, content management, IT services, or another related field this convention will be right up your alley. This event is highly anticipated and many people from all over attend to network and find out about the latest pros\ducts and services.
1. What is the Business Imaging Expo and Why is it Important?
The Business Imaging Expo is a trade show or convention for those in any field of the office technology industry. It is one of the biggest and most popular events of this type held each year. There are summits, product offers, discounted services, and many vendors showing off the latest in technology in the office sector.
There are many reasons why this event is so important to anyone in this industry. The expo offers visitors and vendors both a chance to see what is going on in many fields, and to find out about revolutionary new advancements in products and services. Knowing what is out there is the first step towards being incredibly successful.
2. When, Where, and How Much is this Event?
To attend the Business Imaging Expo you need to know when, where, and how much so that you can plan properly. In 2013, the expo will be held from December 10 through December 12, and the venue is the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. Professionals in every area of office technology look forward to this event every year.
The cost to attend this convention will vary, depending on which components you want to include and when you register and pay the fees. The complete package includes the expo, education, and frontrunner events and components, and this can run from $389 to $459. It is possible to choose one or more individual components as well.
3. Should you Attend one of the Summits?
Those who attend the Business Imaging Expo may want to arrive early and attend one of the two summits that are being offered to participants. These are the Workflow Summit and the Imaging Channel’s Managed Print Summit, either of which will fill up quickly. Case studies, technological advancements, and the latest achievements in print and office technology are offered.
4. Document Printing is Just One of Many Office Industries Represented
There is a wide range of office technology and related industries that are represented at the Business Imaging Expo, from document printing to IT and content management. Whether you work in one of these fields, own a business that provides related services or products, or just have an interest and insatiable curiosity this expo can be an eye opening experience.
5. Who Should Attend or Participate?
People attend the Business Imaging Expo or choose to exhibit at this event for many reasons, and they come from many different fields and areas of interest including document printing and informational technology. Professionals in security, sales, marketing, business administration, purchasing, consulting, making policy, and many other sectors should come to this event.
More information about the Business Imaging Expo can be found on their website.
Do you plan on attending the Business Imaging Expo? Why or why not? What do you hope to gain if you do attend?