Las Vegas Conventions: Electronic Retailing Association Convention Moxie Winners
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Las Vegas conventions have always been a great way to learn and play all at the same time! And the ERA Convention (Electronic Retailing Association) in Las Vegas, Nevada, was definitely no exception this year. The ERC hosts the largest retailing association convention in the industry. Direct marketers and retailers come from all corners of the world to network and attend the well-known ERA Moxie Awards.
ERA presentations, learning, networking, experiencing and leisure time were all included at the Las Vegas convention. ERA is the leader in direct to consumer commerce. Experts from around the world are hosted at each reception and convention to provide you with the highest quality industry leaders, and state of the art new technology.
Network with Some of the Biggest Retailers in Las Vegas
This year’s ERAConvention provided an ideal atmosphere to network with the best in the electronic retailers in the industry. They showcase an impressive list of heavy-weight presenters such as:
- Mercury Media’s President John Barnes, who has helped clients such as Nabisco, CBS, Kodak and many more top players in retailing develop direct brand responsiveness.
- Head of Sales for Google TV Ads, Aaron McNally.
- Well-known direct marketing creative copywriter, Rick Petry.
- The Nielsen Company’s SVP of Media Tracking Services, Kevin Svenningsen.
- Kidz Bop’s COO & EVP, Victor Zaraya.
- Constant Contact’s Billing and Revenue Manager, Tina Griffiths.
This doesn’t even include the list of trade show exhibits for electronic retailing:
- Best Buy
- Convergys
- FedEx
- Hair Club for Men
- Hooked on Phonics
- Home Shopping Network
- Ideavillage
- And thousands of more exhibit booths.
The ERA D2C (direct to consumer) convention is THE show for electronic retailing direct to consumers. Las Vegas Conventions are top of the line, and this convention features top-notch, industry focused, education sessions.
The ERA Moxie Award
Perhaps, the highlight of the convention are the Moxie awards where everyone who is someone in marketing has their latest marketing campaign or creative work nominated at the Moxie awards.
Some of this year’s more notable winners included:
- Pajama Jeans® for Best Short Form of the Year Under $50,000
- Proactive Solution: Justin Bieber for Best Short Form Beauty
- Your Baby Can Talk II for Best Short Form Intellectual Property
- Rosetta Stone for Best Long Form, Variety
- Alyssa Milano for Wen by Chaz Dean for Best Celebrity Presenter
2011 ERA Schedule
The opening session at this Convention provided an excellent environment to meet and greet, and form new networking relationships with top professionals in the industry. This time the ERA Las Vegas Convention was hosted at the exclusive Wynn in Las Vegas, Nevada, on September 13-15, 2011.
There were over 3900 attendees registered for the Electronic Retailing Association Convention in 2010 and more than 4,000 attendees for 2011. ERA is the best way to explore new technologies and trends, as well as connect with and meet new colleagues.
In addition to the conventions in Las Vegas, upcoming ERA Convention opportunities include ERA Networking in New York City, New York, November, 2011, ERA Networking in Southern California, January, 2012, and The 2012 Great Ideas Summit to be held in Miami, Florida, February, 2012.
MyERA is a new online community that launched in June, 2011 for members to easily connect with one another. After you attend the Las Vegas Convention, you can communicate with and keep in touch with other members you meet at the convention. Wisdom, advocacy and knowledge regarding D2C (direct to consumer) electronic retailing are only a few of the benefits of attending the 2011 Las Vegas ERA Convention.
If you would like your upcoming Las Vegas convention or tradeshow featured at Las Vegas International Press Club, drop us a line with details and images for the event.