dementia proofing

Dementia Proofing your Home, Tips for Creating a Safe Haven

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Living with dementia can be a difficult and challenging experience, both for those who suffer from it and their caregivers. One way to make life easier for someone living with dementia is to create a safe and secure home environment. Doing so can greatly reduce the risk of injury or accidents due to memory lapses or confusion. In this article, we will discuss dementia proofing your home by focusing on key areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, doors and windows.

Bathrooms: Safety Considerations for Dementia Proofing Your Home

Bathrooms are often the most dangerous room in a home when it comes to dementia proofing. As dementia progresses, individuals may become confused and disoriented, making them more prone to falls and other potential injuries. To ensure that an individual can remain safe in the bathroom, there are key factors to consider when performing a safety assessment.

The first step is to assess the layout of the space and make any modifications necessary for optimal safety. This includes installing grab bars near toilets or bathtubs as well as adding non-slip mats or textured strips to surfaces that could be dangerous if wet. Throw rugs are not advised because they are a tripping hazard. Handles on doors can also be a concern for those with dementia, so it is important to remove doorknobs or replace them with lever handles.

The next step is to ensure the bathroom has appropriate lighting. This is one place where a motion sensor light may be useful, as it will turn on automatically when movement is detected and shut off again once the room is still.

The sink should also have an easy-to-use faucet with adjustable settings for water pressure, temperature, and flow.

Removing any extra furniture from the space will also help limit potential obstacles for those with dementia. Additionally, using low-profile fixtures like faucets and toilet handles will reduce confusion and make it easier for those with limited mobility to access them safely. Ensure that there are no dangerous objects lying around. This includes medications, sharp corners, or anything with a high risk of falling or breaking.

For those with dementia, it can be difficult to find the toilet. Contrasting colors for floors and fixtures, as well as a colored toilet seat, can help dementia patients more easily locate the bathroom and use the toilet and sink.

Red Toilet Seat to Help Locate the Toilet

Easy to install: Its innovative design allows for a quick and easy installation process that can be done in minutes. The included hardware makes it easy to mount the seat securely to the toilet bowl, so you can rest assured that it won’t slip or move during use.


As dementia advances, especially those with Lewy Body Dementia, movements may be affected and make it difficult to use the shower or bathtub. A walk-in shower with grab bars is a great solution if it fits your budget and home layout.

Bathing Aids

There are many bathing aids on the market. The most commonly used are a shower chair, bath bench, and tub transfer bench.

These products can be used to help make bathing easier for you and your loved one.

Shower chairs help dementia proofing your home because they are easier to sit on than the tub or shower floor. They are also great for people with balance issues or those who have a hard time standing for long periods of time. The chair can be used in the shower and/or tub if space permits.

The bath bench is another solution for sitting and bathing. The bath and shower bench is designed for use in the tub. It is like a chair that slides into the tub so it can be used to help with bathing. Bath benches help with balance and help to prevent falls. The shower bench sits in the shower and is a great place to sit when getting ready to bathe.

The transfer benches are placed in the shower or tub to help when entering or exiting the shower or tub. Transfer benches are usually made from metal or plastic. They are designed for easy transfer in and out of the tub. 

Kitchen — Making a Dangerous Area Safer by Dementia Proofing

Making a few small changes in your kitchen can help reduce risk and provide an added sense of security for those living with dementia and their caregivers. Simple solutions such as clearly labeling items, securing danger zones such as stoves and ovens, installing safety latches on cabinets, introducing color coordination techniques, or even replacing appliance handles can all contribute towards making this area less hazardous.

Labeling Items

There are ways that caregivers can make the kitchen easier to use for their loved one with dementia by labeling items around the room. Labeling different items in the kitchen is an easy way to help someone living with dementia remember what each item does and where it belongs.

For example, labeling drawers or cabinets with pictures or words will help your loved one quickly identify which drawer contains silverware, or where their favorite cup is located. Placing labels on appliances like microwaves, ovens, and dishwashers will remind them how each appliance should be used in order to stay safe when preparing food or cleaning dishes.

Securing Stoves and Ovens

Stoves and ovens can be a hazard for people with dementia. With their cognitive decline, those with dementia can forget to turn off the stove or oven, resulting in a possible fire hazard. Understanding the risks involved, it’s important to consider ways of securing stoves and ovens so that those with dementia are safe from accidental fires.

There are various methods used to secure stoves and ovens for those suffering from cognitive decline due to dementia. The most effective measure is using stove guards, which provide an obstacle between the user and access to the knobs on the stovetop. There are also special locks that can be put on stoves and oven doors, which will make them difficult to open once they’re locked in place.

Perhaps the easiest way to prevent access to the stove and oven is to simply remove the knobs. This can be done with a pair of pliers and will help to prevent them from accidentally turning the knobs on.

If you are looking for more safety precautions, you might also consider installing oven locks.

Safety Latches on Cabinets

Cabinet safety latches are an essential part of creating a safe home environment for individuals with dementia. As dementia progresses, those affected can become easily confused and disoriented in their own homes, leading to potentially dangerous situations. Installing safety latches on cabinets is one way to help prevent accidents or injury that could occur as a result of confusion.

Safety latches help keep cabinets from opening unexpectedly, reducing access to potentially hazardous items like cleaners or sharp objects. They also provide caregivers with peace of mind knowing that their loved one is safer at home. Cabinet safety latches are easy to install and do not require any drilling or complex installation techniques; most simply slide over the door handles and latch into place with a simple twist of the knob.

Doors and Windows: Security Measures for Dementia Proofing your Home

Doors and windows are two of the most important features of any home. Not only do they offer a sense of security, but they can also help keep your loved ones safe and secure in the event of an emergency, especially for those living with dementia. Dementia proofing your home is essential to ensuring the safety and well-being of those affected by this illness. Here are some tips on how to secure your doors and windows as part of dementia proofing your home:

First and foremost, check that all doors and windows throughout your house are securely locked when not in use, especially if you have someone living with dementia in your house. Install adequate lighting around doorways, both inside and out, to make sure that no one is able to enter or leave the premises without being noticed.

Motion Detector Cameras for Doors

dementia proofing

Motion detector cameras for doors are a great way to keep dementia patients safe. These types of security systems are designed to detect any movement in the vicinity and alert family or caregivers when someone is trying to leave the house. They can be installed on any door, and the sensors will activate an alarm if the person attempts to open it without permission. Motion detectors are also helpful for those who suffer from wandering, as they can help keep them contained within a home or facility where they receive proper care and supervision.

The use of motion detectors helps monitor dementia patients while providing peace of mind for their families. By installing these devices, families can ensure that their loved ones remain safe while still allowing them some independence within the home environment. Not only do motion detector cameras provide a sense of security but they also offer convenience by eliminating the need for constant monitoring or physical locks on doors.

Door Alarms

Door alarms provide a simple yet effective solution for monitoring and protecting wandering dementia patients. These devices can detect when a door is opened or closed, providing caregivers with much-needed peace of mind.

Door alarms come in a variety of styles and sizes, making them suitable for both residential and institutional settings. They are generally easy to install, operate on batteries, and are designed to be tamper-proof. Some models even feature special sensors that can alert caregivers if the patient’s activity is erratic or out of character. Additionally, many door alarm systems allow for customization so that they can be tailored to each individual’s needs.

We found one inexpensive way to be alerted if our loved one tried to leave the room. This was great for our bedroom when I was sleeping and didn’t hear him get up. A loud alarm goes off when the door is opened. It’s so easy to install, I did it myself! Check it out here!


Ideal for dementia patients: these alarms are especially beneficial for dementia patients in that they can provide a sense of security and peace of mind since they alert the user whenever someone opens a window or door. This helps keep them safe from potential intruders and provides an added layer of protection against wandering or escape attempts.

Window Security and Locks to Keep Dementia Patients Safe

Window security and locks are an important part of keeping dementia patients safe. Many people with dementia can become confused and disoriented, leading to a heightened risk of falls or wandering away from the home. Installing secure locks on windows is one way to ensure that a person with dementia won’t be able to accidentally open a window and wander outside unsupervised.

When choosing window security systems for someone with dementia, it’s important to consider both their safety needs as well as their ability to understand how the new technology works. Window alarms are an effective solution for decreasing the risk of a person unintentionally opening a window and leaving the home without supervision. Additionally, keyless locking systems can provide extra security while still being easy enough for caregivers or family members to operate in case of emergency.

Medication Security for Dementia Proofing

Securing all medication is an important step in dementia proofing a home. Medication management is one of the most daunting challenges faced by those caring for individuals with dementia due to the risks and complications that can arise from improper use or dosage. It is necessary to secure all medications in a home where someone with dementia lives.

As cognitive abilities decline, individuals may forget if and when they took their prescribed medication which can lead to over or under-dosing – both of which carry serious health risks. There are many ways to secure medications including locking cabinets, locking drawers, locking pill boxes, or using other secure hiding places.

There are pill dispensers available that have automatic lock features and dispense medications when it’s time.

Stairways and Steps

Stairs and steps can present a major hazard for individuals with dementia. Dementia proofing these areas of the home is essential for both safety and independence. There are several ways to make stairs and steps safer for those with dementia, from simple modifications to more intensive changes.

Installing handrails on both sides of the staircase is one of the most effective ways to reduce risk. This provides an individual with dementia something tangible to hold onto as they ascend or descend the stairs. Non-slip floor coverings can also be installed on each step, providing additional traction when walking up or down a staircase. Furthermore, introducing visual cues such as high-contrast paint colors, bold patterns, or even framing each step can help create an easier-to-follow path that someone with dementia may benefit from using.

Stair glides have become a popular solution for those looking to dementia-proof their homes. Stair glides are innovative devices that help move people up and down the stairs while they remain seated in a comfortable chair-like device. They provide an easy and safe way for those with dementia, limited mobility, or other physical restrictions to access different levels of their home without having to worry about the risk of falling or injury.

Installing a stair glide can be an invaluable asset for someone living with dementia or limited mobility as it provides them with independent access within their own home. The glide is designed specifically to fit each individual staircase so that it can be tailored to accommodate any specific needs or requirements. It operates quietly which makes it particularly useful for homes where more than one person resides, as well as providing comfort and convenience for its user.

Tips in General for Dementia Proofing your Home

  • Hide a house key outside in case you get locked out of the house
  • Lock outside gates
  • Keep extension cords out of the way
  • Lock up all alcohol
  • Keep power tools in a locked cabinet
  • Keep firearms locked at all times
  • Remove all lighters or keep in a locked cabinet

In conclusion, dementia proofing your home is an important step to take when caring for someone with dementia. Taking the time to assess any potential risks, install safety equipment and organize the space can provide peace of mind knowing that the person is safe and comfortable. It’s also important to remember that no environment is completely free from risk, so it’s essential to stay up-to-date on their changing needs.

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Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane grew up not wearing a helmet, drinking from the hose and not wearing a seat belt. She managed to survive and now spends her time developing websites, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate.