Video Games in Las Vegas | The Revival of Arcade Games

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In the late 90s to early 2000s, there was a point where many arcades were disappearing, owners citing not enough revenue to cover expenses, as well as the appeal of home consoles keeping people away. Finding a place to play video games in Las Vegas would be a hard task back then.

But in the last five years or so, they have made a comeback in a new way; appealing to the 20-something year old that still loves the nostalgia of Street Fighter 2 and Marvel Vs. Capcom, yet wants to spend a night out with friends and have a few drinks. So if you are looking for things to do in Vegas that include some great video games, Sin City once more comes to the rescue.

The Appeal of Arcades

Arcades are an idea that first popped up in the late 70s and grew in popularity in the 80s. And although many arcades continued into the 90s, this was the point where the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo were being snatched up by every family, allowing for home access to this type of entertainment.

However, there has been an upswing in arcade appeal lately and a lot has to do with the demographic it is targeting. Many arcades today are filled with cabinets with games from the 80s to 90s, appealing to those in their 20s and early 30s. Because there’s something about playing a favorite game from childhood that brings a draw.

On top of that, arcades mixed with nightlife means getting out of the house and socializing, having the option of a beer or drink in hand while playing a classic with a friend and feeling like the night was well spent.

Which Video Games in Las Vegas to Check Out

Video Games in Las VegasSo with this upswing of arcades combined with bars being opened all across the country, what are the best video games in Las Vegas to play? Different locations will have different choices, but you will find many stay true with a lot of classics.

Of a plethora of games, there are many there that are a staple of most arcade bars, because of their on-going popularity and cult like status. Here are a few that are easy to find:

  • Tetris: Tetris has appeared on almost every console and video game operating system to date. With the simplicity of stacking together falling blocks, if an arcade doesn’t have this game, they are doing something wrong.
  • Centipede: A classic Atari game that has the player eating food and trying to avoid obstacles as it grows; it was one of the first arcade games to have a largely female player base, in addition to the next game on the list.
  • Pac-Man: It is said that the character of Pac-Man is more recognizable than even Mario. With a ton of iterations of the game, most arcades will feature at least one amongst its ranks.
  • Street Fighter II: Although this game is younger than many of these classics, released in 1991, Street Fighter II has one of the largest cult followings of any game. A two player fighting game, it attracts some serious players.
  • Donkey Kong: This game is the reason Nintendo has become the video game giant of today. It even has a documentary about the world record holder for highest score; that is how beloved this classic is.

 What video games in Las Vegas would you want to play the most?  Let us know in the comment section below.

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Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane grew up not wearing a helmet, drinking from the hose and not wearing a seat belt. She managed to survive and now spends her time developing websites, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate.