6 Reasons to Offer Trade Show Chair Massages at Your Next Event

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Have you ever had trade show chair massages? If you have been walking or working a show, it can be just the thing to relieve stress and start anew. They can also make your exhibit booth the place to be.

Trade Show Chair MassagesTrade show chair massages can be very appealing at any trade show or convention event. There are several reasons why you should include these in your exhibit booths, and the results may amaze you. When a professional vendor is used, these massages can be safe, sanitary, and highly effective at appealing to attendees.

You can include many different possible features if you decide to offer chair massages at an event. In some cases, you may be able to add:

  • Foot massages
  • Aromatherapy
  • Soothing sounds
  • Temple massages

Providing your visitors with a quick massage can be very cost effective, and there are many businesses who can handle everything for you. Always ensure that any professional who will be supervising the massages is properly trained and qualified. Once you have vetted the massage provider and used due diligence you can relax and enjoy the results.

1. Trade Show Chair Massages Will Attract More Traffic

Trade show chair massages will definitely attract more traffic to your area. Visitors will tend to gravitate to your area just to see what all of the fuss is about. When you have bigger crowds this makes your exhibit more attractive and people will want to come by. As long as you are generating quality leads at the same time this can spell success for your business.

A brisk, 15-minute seated massage will revitalize your booth visitors!

Source: jvainc.com

2. Make Your Exhibit Booths Stand Out on the Floor

You can help make your exhibit booths the center of attention on the floor when you offer trade show chair massages. Most of the eyes in the room will be drawn to this feature of your booth, and everyone will want to try it out and take a load off. Areas without this added bonus are less likely to attract attention and get plenty of traffic.

A 10×20 foot trade show exhibit has plenty of room for a massage chair.

Trade Show Chair Massage10×20 Trade Show Exhibit by the Design Factory

3. Make Visitors More Receptive to Your Message

Offering trade show chair massages has benefits for your business. These massages quickly help the visitor relax, and a relaxed individual will be more receptive to the message that you are trying to get across. Someone who is tense may not be fully listening to what you are saying, and you could miss the opportunity to make a great impression.

4. Pamper Consumers to Create a Positive View of Your Company

If you pamper your visitors with trade show chair massages, they will view your business more favorably. In the world today, most of us walk around with plenty of stress and tension, and eliminating this will make attendees appreciate your business and your efforts. This can create long-term customers and clients.

5. A Much Needed Respite for Attendees and Staff

Trade show chair massages can provide a much-needed respite for both staff and visitors at these events. After hours on your feet working or visiting exhibit booths, you need a break, and a massage will help you relax and get rid of stress in just a few minutes. Set up is easy and there are no health or sanitation concerns.

6. Engage Visitors While They Relax

If you offer trade show chair massages then you get a few minutes to engage the visitor while they relax. Sometimes just getting a minute or two can make all of the difference between making a sale, generating a high value lead, or missing out on the opportunity completely. When you get a change to engage visitors you will usually see better results.

Many trade show visitors greatly appreciate the chance to get off their feet and relax for a few minutes, and you can provide this as a perk for tired and overworked staff as well. In addition to being one of the most popular booths at the event, you will also get points for being a considerate boss and a great person for which to work.

Have you ever offered trade show chair massages? Why or why not?

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Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane grew up not wearing a helmet, drinking from the hose and not wearing a seat belt. She managed to survive and now spends her time developing websites, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate.