TEDxUNLV Cortney Warren

Cortney S. Warren Ph.D. Speaks at TEDxUNLV | Self-Deception and Lies

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Cortney Warren TEDxUNLVTEDxUNLV was held in Las Vegas on April 11, 2014. Cortney S. Warren Ph.D. stood out as one of the exceptional speakers at this prestigious event.

The focus of her talk, “Honest Liars: The Psychology of Self-Deception,” was on why people lie to themselves. To help people live a more fulfilling life, Dr. Warren explores the effects of lying and how to take personal responsibility for the lies.

TEDxUNLV Speaker Dr. Cortney S. Warren

Dr. Warren’s outgoing and likeable personality, along with her extensively researched topic, provide for a riveting talk. Her references to personal situations and common ways that people lie to themselves leave you with examining how you can lead a more fulfilling life by being more honest with yourself.

Dr. Warren’s Book “Lies We Tell Ourselves: The Psychology of Self-Deception”

Cortney S. Warren Ph.D. Book

Click the image above to buy the book.

Dr. Warren is the author of the book Lies We Tell Ourselves: The Psychology of Self-Deception. In her book, she challenges us to confront the untruths and denials in our lives and relationships. She gives extraordinarily helpful instances and challenging questions that demonstrate how the lies we tell ourselves preclude us from living a completely rewarding life.

Having traveled the world from a young age, Dr. Warren, a clinical psychologist, takes a unique perspective about how culture influences food rituals, eating norms, and ideals of beauty. Her extensive research explores body image and eating pathology. Some of the field’s top journals, including the International Journal of Eating Disorders, Appetite, and Obesity, reference her research.


The nonprofit TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) began in 1984 as a conference for spreading concepts and ideas in short, authoritative talks. It has since branched out with TEDx talks. They are independently run, local events that bring people together for sharing philosophies, thoughts, and ideas in societies around the globe.  TEDxUNLV is one of these well-respected events.

At TEDxUNLV, Dr. Warren announced that she is resigning from her position as a tenured professor at UNLV. She is available for speaking engagements and consultations.

For more information about Dr. Warren, visit her Choose Honesty website, where she delves further into self-deception and how to become more honest with yourself.

Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane grew up not wearing a helmet, drinking from the hose and not wearing a seat belt. She managed to survive and now spends her time developing websites, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate.